Care Coordination in Iowa: Medication Management + Dental Medical Integration

This pre-recorded webinar course provides information and strategies to assist healthcare professionals from across the care continuum to drive partnerships and collaboration, learning about current transitions of care topics prevalent in today’s healthcare environment. Best practices are shared and discussed. This course, in its entirety, will take an estimated 1 hour and 56 minutes to complete, but is set up in sessions and does not have to be completed all at once.

This pre-recorded webinar course was developed in support of the IHC Population Health division in 2019.

Transcripts are available upon request. 

Target Audience

Care coordinators, health coaches, community health workers, nurse managers, care managers, population health and quality directors, community-based care coordinators.

Course summary
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Course expires: 

Care Coordination in Iowa
Cari Seddon, MA, RDN, LDN, CDE, Director of Community Quality Initiatives, Iowa Healthcare Collaborative, Des Moines

Integrated healthcare efforts and alignment with community services increase coordination of patient care leading to both improved patient outcomes and experiences. During this presentation, recent review of the Iowa Care Coordination Statewide Strategy will be discussed with incorporated examples of successful application.

  • Discuss how to increase awareness of the Iowa Care Coordination Statewide Strategy.
  • Recognize the value of coordinated efforts to improve patient care.
  • Discuss strategies for successful application.


Medication Management: The Role of the Pharmacist in Care Coordination
Matthew Pitlick, PharmD, BCPS, Previous Medication Management Lead, Iowa Healthcare Collaborative, Des Moines

The pharmacist is an essential member of the interdisciplinary healthcare team. This presentation will outline the value of a pharmacist on the healthcare team and their role in care coordination will be discussed. In particular, strategies will be identified to enhance communication between healthcare professionals and pharmacists in addition to methods to improve patient adherence. This presentation aligns with the Iowa Care Coordination Statewide Strategy objective 2 – “Enhance cross-system collaboration across healthcare settings and services.”

  • Recognize the value of the pharmacist on the healthcare team.
  • Identify strategies to enhance communication between pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.
  • Describe methods pharmacists utilize to improve patient adherence when coordinating care.


Oral/Dental Medical Integration
Bob Russell, DDS, MPH, MPA, CPM, Public Health Dental Director, State of Iowa, Department of Public Health, Des Moines

Oral care is critical to overall health and wellness. The integration of oral care as a value concept in today’s population healthcare transformation environment is a growing conversation among providers and communities. Examples of oral-dental providers as collaborative population health players will be given and the importance of the integration of oral care identified. This presentation aligns with the Iowa Care Coordination Statewide Strategy objective 2 – “Enhance cross system collaboration across healthcare settings and services.”

  • Define data regarding dental/oral status, cost, and workforce.
  • Discuss national and state engagement in medical integration and care coordination.
  • Summarize Iowa oral-dental initiatives, challenges, and celebrations.


Matthew Pitlick, PharmD, BCPS, Independent Contractor, Iowa Healthcare Collaborative, Des Moines

Matthew Pitlick is an independent contractor at Iowa Healthcare Collaborative. He is a 2008 graduate of Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Science and completed a PGY-1 residency with the VA St. Louis Health Care System. Following his residency, he was an associate professor of pharmacy practice from and practiced at the VA St. Louis Healthcare System in primary care clinics. Dr. Pitlick returned to Des Moines in 2017 as a medication therapy management consultant. He most recently completed an executive fellowship in association management with the Iowa Pharmacy Association. Dr. Pitlick has spent significant time practicing, researching, teaching and serving the profession.


Cari Seddon, MA, RDN, LDN, CDE, Director of Community Quality Initiatives, Iowa Healthcare Collaborative, Des Moines

Cari Seddon is the director, community quality initiatives at Iowa Healthcare Collaborative. In this role she supports collaborative clinical and community partnerships driving sustainable healthcare quality improvements with focused attention on providing person-centered care throughout Iowa. Seddon received a bachelor’s degree in dietetics from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and a master’s degree in family and consumer science from Western Michigan University. Seddon is a registered dietitian, and certified diabetes educator. She is six sigma lean certified and has more than 17 years of experience in patient care and population health management.


Bob Russell, DDS, MPH, MPA, CPM, Public Health Dental Director, State of Iowa, Department of Public Health, Des Moines

Bob Russell is the public health dental director for the State of Iowa, Department of Public Health. He joined the organization in 2005. Dr. Russell received a bachelor’s degree from Grand Valley State University, a doctorate of dental surgery from Loyola University of Chicago, master’s degree in public health from the University of Michigan School of Public Health, a master’s degree in public administration and certification in public management. He is a member of the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors, the National Network for Oral Health Access, the American Dental Association, the Iowa Dental Association, and the American Association of Public Health Dentistry. He was recently appointed a Fellow of the American College of Dentists and to the Pi Alpha Alpha International Honor Society for Public Administration.

No continuing education is provided for this course. The user will receive a certificate of completion upon completing the course.

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