Clone of Code of Ethics Training for Employees

This course discusses the expectations for acting with integrity at Iowa Healthcare Collaborative (IHC).

Target Audience

IHC Staff

Learning Objectives

  • Define what it means to act with integrity.
  • Explain the expectations of personal conduct and behaving ethically.
  • Provide a safe, healthy and productive work environment.
  • Explain how to adhere to ethical standards as they relate to business operations. 
  • Define your responsibilities to act fiscally and with transparency.
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


  • Welcome
  • Objectives
  • Determining Integrity

Personal Conduct and Ethics

  • Basic Expectations
  • Governing Documentation
  • Conduct and Behavior
  • Personal Conduct and Ethics Activity

Health and Safety

  • General Safety
  • Workplace Injuries and Accidents
  • Workplace Violence
  • Drug Free Workplace
  • Human Trafficking
  • Security Compliance
  • Health and Safety Activity

Business Operations and Ethics

  • IHC Reputation
  • Confidentiality
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Personal Relationships
  • Business Operations and Ethics Activity

Fiscal Responsibility and Transparency

  • General Standards
  • Full and Fair Disclosure
  • Records
  • Financial Related Laws
  • Source Selection and Procurement
  • Financial Responsibility and Transparency Activity


  • Code of Ethics Company Resources
  • Personal and Company Commitment to Reporting
  • Investigations and Audits
  • Government Officials


  • Summary
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