Iowa CAH CHNA Series Kick-Off + Overview

This CAH CHNA webinar series is intended to increase knowledge and understanding about CHNA requirements and the CHNA process. Information provided in the series will address needs identified in CHNA reviews and CAH survey responses.

Topics in the series will include:

  • Are You Capturing All IRS General Requirements for Tax Exemption?
  • Planning for Success
  • Implementing Your Plan

The kick-off webinar will provide an overview of the webinars included in the series and a summary of CHNA and survey findings related to webinar topics.

Target Audience

Hospital leadership, hospital personnel, community partners, community coalition leads, public health stakeholders and population health leads.

Learning Objectives

  • List webinars that will be included in this webinar series.
  • Review the CHNA assessment and CAH survey findings and recognize how these will be addressed throughout the webinar series.
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
  • Cassie Kennedy, Bureau of Policy and Workforce Services, Iowa Department of Public Health
  • Cari Seddon, MA, RDN, LD, CDCES, Director, Community Quality Initiatives, Iowa Healthcare Collaborative, Des Moines
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Please register to take this on-demand course. There is no registration fee.