Sepsis Care in 2022: Identification + Management Strategies to Optimize Patient Outcomes
One person dies every 2 minutes in the U.S. daily from sepsis. Many organizations have initiated programs around the caring for the septic patient that falls short of desired outcomes. As of October 2015, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has made sepsis a core measure. The complexity of the disease, the variability in presentation of the patient, and skill and knowledge level of the provider makes this core measure distinctly different and potentially a greater challenge to implement. To provide the right care to the right patient at the right time across the continuum, systems and processes need to be well defined. This webinar will focus on taking the learner through a four-tiered strategy for ensuring a robust program to identify patients early in the disease and manage them based on the latest evidence. Health equity and disparities is sepsis care will be discussed. Key implementation strategies for hard wiring the clinical and process behaviors will be revealed. Barriers with reliable actions to reduce their impact will be described and participants will have the opportunity to identify gaps between the evidence and their hospitals program.
This material was prepared by Compass HQIC Network a Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Views expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of CMS or HHS, and any reference to a specific product or entity herein does not constitute endorsement of that product or entity by CMS or HHS. 12SOW Compass HQIC Network/Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor – [0203] – 8/30/2022.
Target Audience
- Sepsis coordinators/leads
- Educators
- Clinical nurse specialist
- Acute care nurse practitioners
- Case managers
- Quality managers and directors
Learning Objectives
- Summarize the four-tier process for effective sepsis program development
- Examine the evidence for the sepsis bundles and share proven strategies to resolve barriers in implementation and measurement
- Identify gaps between the evidence and your hospital’s sepsis program
Pat Posa is the Quality and Patient Safety Program Manager for UH/CVC at Michigan Medicine. In this role she is responsible for development, measurement and sustainability of the UH/CVC segment quality and patient safety program. She has held various roles in healthcare in the hospital, ambulatory setting, and health plan over her 40 years in practice including manager of inpatient critical care units, Director of Nursing and administrator of an outpatient multispecialty/ primary care clinic. Pat has been involved in many quality and patient safety programs such as, hospital and system wide sepsis management program and a statewide Keystone ICU patient safety initiative. She has been faculty for multiple state and national clinical collaboratives including the Surviving Sepsis Campaign Phase IV Collaborative, the national project on Comprehensive Unit Safety Program (CUSP) for Mechanically Ventilated Patients and Society of Critical Care Medicine’s ICU Liberation Collaborative. Pat has published many articles in both clinical and quality journals. She lectures and consults extensively nationally on sepsis, various critical care, patient safety and quality topics.
No continuing education is provided for this course. The user will receive a certificate of completion upon completing the course.